Sunday, November 18, 2007

Evening of Excellence

Jessie and Missy had Evening of Excellence this
week. They made Temple Boxes and added fun items
to them throughout the year. They made a Wedding Time Capsule,
A Wedding Book, they sewed a Temple Envelope,
and a Temple Bag. They also dried boquets, and other items.

Reflections Contest - I Can Make A Difference By . . .

Kristina can make a difference by making the world more beautiful.
Krissy won 1st place and will be moving on to District.

**Suggestion** Click on Picture to see an upclose rendering of their artwork.

Annie can make a difference by helping to keep the world clean.
Annie also won 1st place for her division and will be heading on to District.

Sunday, November 4, 2007


Little Red Riding Hood

Candy Corn

Pumpkin Pie

Freaky Ballerina

California Adventure

On October 30 I got to skip class and go to California Adventure with the other renaissance kids at TMS. It was so much fun!!! My friend Corinne and I got on every ride, with almost no lines (the longest we had to wait was 10 minutes) we even had time to go to the golden screams award show where my scream got applause.
After lunch we met up with some of our other friends; Courtney, Grace, Lyric, and Megan who are in our choir class and re-rode some rides with them including Tower of Terror, Grizzly bear gulch and Monsters Inc. and went shopping.
It was especially fun because everything decorated for Halloween.

New recruits for my football team - 'Andy' and 'Chris'